Welcome to Engaging the Edges
In our blog series, we’re Engaging the Edges of what is possible and invite you to join us as we explore insights, articles and resources that help to enliven your day.

Tend Your Thoughts to Grow Your Goals
Fall is more than a change of color; it is a season of renewal. One of the goals I have made for myself this fall

Rectangle or Oval?
A college professor’s students had an unusual project working for a local district judge. The assignment: Investigate the jury deliberation process and determine how to

Strategic Disengagement: Are You Starved for a Break?
Are you starved for a break? Needing a moment to catch your breath? Or an extended moment, say, a week- to just go off the

15 Ways to Say No
I know a guy. This guy says “YES!” to every request. It can be a giant six-month project or a simple two-minute request – and

What We Allow, We Create
There are a couple of things I have noticed recently, even more so with my delegates, and that is the tendency to focus on either

Black Box Thinking: A Book Review
I am forever sharing books I have read with delegates, colleagues, or friends, which encourages them to share book recommendations with me – a neat

Three Components of True Motivation
Have you ever joined a gym as a New Year’s resolution and then by March found your energy waning and your parking spot empty? If

Spring Clean with your EDGE System!
What we focus on expands, and perhaps that is why as a facilitator and user of the Effective EDGE® system, I “see” the system and

Regaining Your Attention
Every one of us is endowed with a certain amount of attention and energy and that allotment varies at any given time. Compare the condition

Advancing Women in Leadership
In honor of International Women’s Month, we asked our CEO, Laurie Oswald, what it means for her to be a leader in the workforce and

Gaining Perspective to Build Unity
What do you do when you and a co-worker don’t see eye to eye? I recently experienced this and could not imagine how my co-worker

The Significance of Black History Month in 2021
As I reflect on my personal and professional journey, the word “significant” resonates strongly for me as we celebrate Black History Month in 2021. Black

The HeArt and Science of Producing Results
Welcome to February – the month when the language of the heart is everywhere!! As it turns out, there is very good reason why there

Unique Ways to Focus on Your Personal Accountability
Personal accountability is when you take ownership AND responsibility for goals and outcomes. I once read that, “Responsibility is taking ownership of actions and accountability

Passage to the Next Beginning
All endings are simply the passage to the next beginning. As an extraordinary 2020 ends, naturally our attention shifts to a new year with new

The Path to Wisdom
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is

5 Things You Need for a Successful Virtual Retreat
When we decided to become a completely virtual organization, we heavily relied on in-person quarterly retreats to connect, build relationships, provide acknowledgement, celebrate, and fuel

True Actions to Jumpstart Performance
You are a star. YOU are a powerhouse loaded with gifts and strengths to benefit your work, your community and people you care about. You

Rethinking Business as Usual
I’ve been hearing a lot lately the phrases “getting back to business” or “when things return to normal,” or the “new normal.” I’ve also been

5 Tips to Managing Email Overload in this New Environment
Are you inundated with even MORE email nowadays? Managing email overload is a major challenge even under the best of circumstances. With the recent expansion