Welcome to Engaging the Edges

In our blog series, we’re Engaging the Edges of what is possible and invite you to join us as we explore insights, articles and resources that help to enliven your day.

I See Us

Over the past two blogs, we have talked about how to better ourselves so that we can then better those around us.  We discussed the

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I See You

As we move along through our careers, there are many opportunities to interact with and influence those around us.  The way we deal with these

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I See Me

The New Year is here and with it comes the opportunity to reflect, refresh, reboot, and resolve.  Recurrent resolutions include exercising more, quitting a bad

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Practice Makes Patient

Practice Makes Perfect Patient A Special Edition Blog in Support of Veterans in the Workplace As I prepared for military retirement, I did what every

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An Inclusive Mindset

Like many organizations, InteraWorks is exploring how to build inclusion into our culture and make it an inherent part of all we do. Rather than

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A Hug of a Lifetime

As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this January 17th, 2022, I greet you with anticipation of the significant

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The Heart of Service

I’m fortunate to have spent many years working closely with military people all over the world. Early in my career, I worked for an American

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Get & Use Support

To this very day, I vividly remember the moment I kicked a team member in the head. Now before you judge, it was an accident!

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Fall into a New Routine

As we head into a new season, new habits, routines, and schedules appear. How do you manage your schedule with integrity? Having a routine not

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Rectangle or Oval?

A college professor’s students had an unusual project working for a local district judge. The assignment: Investigate the jury deliberation process and determine how to

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“Life happens on the edges. We can’t find the next place on our journey until we discover the edge between the place we are and the place we need to go. Something ends and something else can begin only along an edge. Along edges we find and feel the penetrating and incisive qualities that give definition to our life. Our interface with life is sharpened at the edge. We discover our greatest zest and our most keen desires at the edge.”

~ Pilgrim Wheels: Reflections of a Cyclist Crossing America