Welcome to Engaging the Edges
In our blog series, we’re Engaging the Edges of what is possible and invite you to join us as we explore insights, articles and resources that help to enliven your day.

Grounding + Sleep for Optimum Well-Being
Prioritizing and implementing a health and well-being practice is as important as it can be challenging. In this expansive information age where facts and data

Embracing the Winds of Change
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving work environment, change is the only constant. Whether it’s technological advancements, organizational restructuring, or shifting market demands, the ability to

Power of Productive Thinking
A mentor of mine used to say, “When was the last time you thought about how you think?” We used to pose this question to

Over-Coming Self Doubt
Self-doubt is a natural emotional experience that most people go through at some point in their lives. It can be a significant obstacle that prevents

I See Us
Over the past two blogs, we have talked about how to better ourselves so that we can then better those around us. We discussed the

I See You
As we move along through our careers, there are many opportunities to interact with and influence those around us. The way we deal with these

I See Me
The New Year is here and with it comes the opportunity to reflect, refresh, reboot, and resolve. Recurrent resolutions include exercising more, quitting a bad

‘Tis the Season for Stress
With the holiday season upon us, some of us may start to struggle to get in the right frame of mind to enjoy ourselves and

Practice Makes Patient
Practice Makes Perfect Patient A Special Edition Blog in Support of Veterans in the Workplace As I prepared for military retirement, I did what every

An Inclusive Mindset
Like many organizations, InteraWorks is exploring how to build inclusion into our culture and make it an inherent part of all we do. Rather than

5 Practices for Digital Spring Cleaning
“A recurring cleaning will make you a happy person.” – Anonymous The fresh spring air has arrived and with that often comes a desire to

Leadership Lessons from The Iditarod
Many years ago, when travel was routine for me, I was reading an inflight magazine about a sled dog race called the Iditarod. It was

Can EMDR help with Habit Formation?
According to author Charles Duhigg who wrote the novel, “The Power of Habit,” routines are made up of a three-part “habit loop”: a cue, a

A Hug of a Lifetime
As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this January 17th, 2022, I greet you with anticipation of the significant

The 100-Year Life – A Book Review
The 100-Year Life Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott It is always so rewarding when you come across a book, that by your own habitual way

The Heart of Service
I’m fortunate to have spent many years working closely with military people all over the world. Early in my career, I worked for an American

Transformation: The Next Wave in the Workplace
Transformation in the workplace is not a new concept. What’s different is that it’s no longer the outlier, adopted by progressive disruptors and less mainstream

Get & Use Support
To this very day, I vividly remember the moment I kicked a team member in the head. Now before you judge, it was an accident!

Fall into a New Routine
As we head into a new season, new habits, routines, and schedules appear. How do you manage your schedule with integrity? Having a routine not

The Surprising Element to Creating Trust
I have always assumed that keeping my word was the foundation of creating trust. I have always believed that doing what I said I would