Welcome to Engaging the Edges
In our blog series, we’re Engaging the Edges of what is possible and invite you to join us as we explore insights, articles and resources that help to enliven your day.

Love Languages of Leadership
How to Motivate and Inspire Your Team Great leadership isn’t just about strategy and execution—it’s about connection. The most effective leaders don’t just manage people;

The Return-to-Office Toolkit
Thrive, Don’t Just Survive The return to the office is here—and whether you’re energized by in-person collaboration or dreading the daily commute, this shift is

Streamlining Success
Eva Krockow, a lecturer at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, reveals that the average person consciously makes more than 35,000 decisions each

The Case for Transformation
In today’s volatile and interconnected global landscape, traditional leadership and organizational structures emphasizing stability and predictability are increasingly inadequate. Our whitepaper, The Case for Transformation, highlights

3 Keys to the Future of Work
The future of work is always a hot topic, but perhaps more now than ever before. Being in the training and development field has given

Micro-Steps to What You Want
There is a new prefix that is appearing quite regularly now in a lot of the articles and blogs I read. It’s “micro”. Now that

Bridging Cultures
In Japanese culture, mastering the art of reading between the lines is a vital communication skill. The term “kuuki yomenai,” which translates to “one who
Empathy: Activating the Soul of the Company
Several of our team members sat in on a conversation between 2 people who are passionate about human issues in the workplace. It became a

Roadmap to Organizational Alignment
In his popular book entitled “Drive. The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us,” New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink makes a compelling case that

5 Ways to Create Capacity
Each year about this time, I get the urge to start cleaning. Not just your everyday pick up around the house, but a really thorough

Lifelong Learning: The Door is Always Open
As the nature of work continues to evolve career paths are becoming more dynamic and less predictable. Lifelong learning is now essential for individuals and

Wisdom Within the Hive
When I decided to become a beekeeper, I knew two things about bees: they make honey and sting. I recognized there would be a lot

Navigating Change with Intention
This year, my intention is to awaken fully! While I’ve always been an early riser, this mantra holds newfound significance as I navigate the shifts

Fostering a Culture of Accountability
Accountability embodies a spectrum of meanings that vary from person to person. However, at its core, accountability involves taking responsibility for one’s abilities and actions.

The Art of Creating Space
As I’ve grown older, I’ve realized that many of us fall into the trap of believing that we should be able to handle everything on

Navigating a Journey of the Unexpected
Late last year, my mom received a devastating diagnosis of a terminal glioblastoma brain tumor. The afternoon I received the call from my sister, I

Growth Mindset for Big Life Changes
Over the past year, my journey has been woven with diverse experiences. Transitioning from the comfort of my virtual home office to full-time work outside

Meetings, Meetings, and More Meetings!
Can you genuinely claim that you receive or contribute value in every meeting you attend? I must admit that my experience leans heavily towards a

Superpower of Commitment
Oliver Burkman, former columnist for The Guardian, wrote in his final article for that publication, “8 Secrets to a (Fairly) Fulfilled Life,” that one of

12 Perfect Days
Right now, it is 10 a.m. and I am still in my pajamas from yesterday. Why, might you wonder? Well, my mornings typically kick off