Layered learning in small bites deepen new habits
What does it take to master a new skill, to change old ways of doing things, and sustain new positive habits rather than give in to the familiar that no longer serves us? The answer is consistency and practice! Simple. However, simple doesn’t always mean easy. Old habits are hard to break without support, reinforcement, root understanding, and repetition to create a new norm. That’s where our InteraWorks Mastery Practices come into play with layered learning to deepen those new habits that get the results you want.
Mastery Practices
The Our Mastery Practices are 1-hour learning sessions that are facilitated live online. We recognize true learning requires reinforcement to make the learning stick. These interactive microlearning bites help participants avoid old behavior patterns and integrate new skills into their everyday work life for true sustainable learning. It’s amazing what a difference a single hour can make. They are available as a year-long learning package and are also strong standalone topics – perfect for a training series, as well as in support of sustainability for all our programs.
Actions and Attitudes
Teams are dealing with more complexity than ever before. While adding various tools, processes, and resources help, there remains a secret ingredient that thriving teams utilize to achieve success. Learn what it is – and how to keep it alive and create a team that gets things done and supports its members!
Attention Management
When asked what factor is most attributed to success, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet answered, “Focus.” To get favorable results in a world full of distraction and noise, it’s vital to focus attention on what matters. Discover how to leverage the power of focus to become more productive, impactful, and organized!Creating Trust Wasted time, misunderstandings, and missing opportunities often begin with false assumptions. Whatever the source, you can learn how to look inward to discover where, when, and why they occur – and how to stop losing out to them personally and professionally.
Get and Use Support
With a high degree of anxiety, stress, and burnout in the average workplace, it takes a village to achieve goals. Still we resist getting support from others. This session explores barriers to asking for help and teaches you how to increase confidence to make bold requests!
Gold Time
Things that matter most should never be at the mercy of things that matter least. Gold Time covers research-proven principles to reveal how to finally overcome procrastination and busywork and instead, maximize your time to generate the most meaningful results.
Limiting Beliefs
There are people who are dangerously awesome, but spend too many years playing small and safe. The negative impact is huge over time – to them, the people they love and support, and the mission of their organizations. Learn how to manage those limiting thoughts to unleash your own talent and strength.Mastering Change
While we know adaptability is critical to future success, our brain’s natural response to impending change is resistance. Learn how to transform your approach to change, shift your mindset, and embrace new strategies to transform your approach to work, and achieve desired outcomes.Myth of Simplicity
Challenges in our world are becoming more complex. Fortunately, human beings are designed to manage ambiguity and excel at tackling complex problems. Instead of looking for simple solutions that don’t exist, learn to embrace and build on the brain’s ability unravel complexity and ambiguity.
Personal Responsibility
Intrinsic motivation is vital to tap into the driving force of inspiration to lead with purpose, act with enthusiasm, and generate impactful results. This session provides the tools and insights necessary to improve each hour, day, deliverable, and conversation.Perspectives
Everyone has opinions, but they often are not shared, heard, explored and encouraged in today’s world, especially at work. Discover how to help change this in your culture and watch relationships, innovation, teaming, and engagement soar.
Power of Pause
While it may sound wildly counterintuitive that working less actually helps get more done, neurological, psychological, and physiological studies, prove it’s true. Learning how to work with your biology and your unending task list will result in the most effective use of time.
Ready to Learn More?
Reach out for a conversation to find out how we can support you and your organization in
building a culture of performance that will make all the difference in your results –
from productivity and innovation to talent acquisition and retention.
What Our Clients Say
Learn more about the results our programs provide on our case studies page
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